Thursday, September 23, 2010

 Food Inc changed my life! After watching this movie in class I realized that the way our food is being handled is truly unfair to the humans and the animals(although they end up in most of our stomachs), I believe that animals should still be treated fairly. Like in one part of the movie I saw a worker trying to move a sick cow my pushing it with a tracker thing{I have no idea what the machine is called} Or the part with the little baby chicks. And what's worse is that not even "Vegetarians" are save from this craze! Fruits and Vegges aren't safe anymore. The way farmers....Oh what am I thinking??? I mean workers from big companies(which are not considered farming in my eyes) are poisoning our food supply. smh shame on them! Because of this people are losing their life, going through changes sooner, and becoming over weight!


  1. i think, we need to start eating organic food.

  2. The movie does really show some sad things about the animals. Kind of hard to watch at time.

  3. yeah I remember that part...poor cow that like child abuse..

  4. its sad....what people do to create food
